Captivating the online community, a starfish was caught 'strolling' along the beach, leaving viewers intrigued and mesmerized.

Zeb Hallock, in Corolla, North Carolina, stumbled upon this extraordinary sight—a sea creature utilizing hundreds of hair-like cilia on its underside, creating a mesmerizing spectacle as it made its way along the sandy beach, all captured in a captivating video before being gently released back into the sea.

Zeb Hallock, captivated by an intriguing sight in Corolla, North Carolina, where starfish appeared to be leisurely wandering the sands near the water, shared, "We observed starfish meandering along the shoreline, both in tide pools and on the sand, moving at an almost imperceptible pace. Carefully, we returned the ones on the sand to the ocean or nearby tide pools. Fellow beachgoers were also fascinated by the abundance of starfish, joining in to assist in their safe return to the water."

Unveiling a mesmerizing secret of the ocean, the video showcases a sea creature employing its hundreds of delicate hair-like cilia, gracefully traversing the sandy expanse—a mesmerizing revelation captured back in October 2012, recently surfacing on social media to an enthusiastic audience. With its unveiling, the footage has rapidly gone viral, amassing an astounding four million views on Facebook, eliciting wonder and gratitude from viewers like Tisha Leclerc and Michele Peck, shedding light on the fascinating and previously unknown abilities of these marine marvels.

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